
moab 2

It’s been a long time coming!!  That company that I spoke of starting, has finally made it’s debut.  That new blog I spoke of writing, has finally launched.  That book I spoke about, will be released around Mother’s Day!  Everything is finally coming together, especially when you speak things into existence.

Stop by and be prepared to be wowed, as I release all of my new writings.  Many of these articles will somewhat tie into my new book.  My new company will earn it’s wings, make its mark in history and continue to soar.

I welcome you to visit, The Makings Of A Belle!!  Make sure you leave me a message, I would love to hear from you!

Born to Play

Toddler basketball 101

The makings of a basketball player

When you have children, you often wonder what type of future will they have? What’s in the cards for them as they get older?  What can I do as a parent to ensure that my child lives out their life to the fullest potential?  How can I push them to be there best?  I thank God I have not had to do that for neither of my children.  I see what they could possibly be at this moment, and I am grateful.

My oldest was born with the gift of gab, he is a talker, yet shy; but when it counts he gets his point across.  So I’ve pictured him being a successful, notable speaker of some sort, in whatever avenue he chooses to pursue.  My middle child has the characteristics of an entertainer.  He knows how to and likes to make you laugh.  He is kind, respectful and very generous.  I see him being notable and successful as well, in whatever career he chooses to pursue.  When it comes to my last child, the baby boy.  I’m not sure what he will be just yet, he’s only two.  However, he is kind, extremely smart, stern in his actions and very passionate about sports.

When he first laid eyes on a basketball at six months old, he’s been fascinated.  He started with a soft plush basketball throwing it out of his crib.  Fast forward 2 weeks shy of six months; on the cusp of turning one to the first moment he began to walk, he picked up the basketball and has never put it down.  He practices shooting every morning and night, all day every day.  He watches basketball games with a spark in his eye, drumming up shot perfections in his head and devising ways to perfect his skills at 2.  He encourages team play when he asks, his brothers, Nana, Godmommy, or myself to shoot.  Should you miss the basket, he offers advise; “use the backboard”, “focus”. “keep practicing”, or his most used line, “it’s okay, you’ll make the next shot.

I am reserved to say although he has a great baseball arm and he loves any sports that involves a ball.  I feel basketball may be his lane.  He plays with great zeal and passion.

Check him out, and tell me what you think!! My 2 Year Old Star

It’s Such An Honor

This post is long overdue.  I’ve been anticipating writing this one for the longest.  However, life got in the way.  Of course that still will not downplay my excitement when I think about the day that I received what I call the most prestigious honor, thus far in my life.  I say thus far, because I anticipate even greater, later!

Let me give you some background on the community work that I do on a daily basis, before I bestow upon you why I am still excited.  I work with and mentor youth in my community, as well as youth at my church.  The youth that I mentor in the community are from what people would consider downtrodden, gang infested neighborhoods in Chicago; as well as youth that live in areas with very few resources, to inspire hope in them to succeed.  I am also the Baptist Youth Fellowship Director at my Church.  It is a group between the ages of 12 – 18.  We do everything together; study the bible, go on fun outings, teach and show leadership, provide character building and create opportunities to show teamwork.  To let all the youth know that together we can.

As I have always stated, I love kids and I feel they need hope, encouragement, genuine love and support to make it in this world; along with a firm foundation in which to build from.  I constantly try to lead by example, in letting them know that without consistent effort, the work doesn’t mean as much.  However, when you see the work you’ve put into something, the rewards and joy is greater.

Imagine my surprise when I received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for my community efforts. presidents-volunteer-service-award I mean, an award from the White House!!  Can I tell you, the joy!!  I am beyond grateful and humbled!!!  However, the work is nowhere near done.  There is even more work to do.  As I said, I’m from Chicago and until every child is reached, helped and hopeful and capable of launching their lives from a stable and firm foundation.  My work is yet to be done.  “When you have failed the youth, you have failed the world!”  ~LaKisha Renee Brown

Can’t sleep

My inability to sleep at night causes me to wake up and write.  I’m starting to believe my fate and destiny are at work.  Maybe that’s for the best, because I think some of my best post are born out of my midnight lack of slumber.

Well here are my updates thus far:

  1. I’ve pinned the titles for the chapters in my book and I must say, I can’t wait until it’s finished.  It’s going to be awesome and very inspirational!
  2. I’m writing in my journal more often.  My thoughts, plans and feelings, are helping me become more organized and reopening those once closed doors of my creativity.
  3. I’m planning more family time, and things to do.  Which makes for happier kids and wonderful childhood memories.
  4. I’m working on planning out my meals so that I can become more creative and eventful with my cooking.
  5. I have not figured out what personal URL I want for my blog, still working on it.
  6. I have yet to start my makeup instruction classes for young ladies and women looking to learn how to create an everyday, natural look; and take that look into an evening look.  As well as teach them basic skincare techniques to maintain healthy looking skin underneath their makeup.
  7. I also want to begin to scout Chicago for new and hidden ventures that would be fun for family.
  8. This is also the week that I start my 21 day jump activities.

All of these activities will help me stay in line with the majority of my plans and goals for 2017.  I want to make this year and the years to come, more and more memorable.  I do not want to have any what ifs, I want to take advantage of everyday and make the most of it.  Charting my goals and progress is not only going to keep me on track, but maybe it will help someone else.  We’ll see!!

9 Days In

My goal to be consistent this year, is going as good as can be expected.  I have begun keeping a journal again.  It mostly contains my thoughts, plans for the day and/or what my day consisted of, as well as goals that I have begun completing and crossing off this year.  I’m glad to say that I am off to a great start, considering I’m 9 days in.  This is my 2 post this year.  I plan to keep this up!!

I can honestly say that when you are born to do something.  Thoughts, ideas, and creativity just seems to come out of the woodwork and you should act on it, or your purpose will be stagnated.  With that said, I have so much material to share with you for this blog, and I’ll reiterate, we’re only 9 days into the new year; which fills me with great joy.  I can’t wait to impart with you my plans that are on the horizon, and also get your feedback on other issues of importance to me.  I am also planning to do the Jump Challenge with Steve Harvey and other members of the Harvey Nation.  I logged in to do it the first time around, but I knew there were other goals I wanted to begin on and complete first.  I checked every email and logged the task for that day in my goal book (yes I have a professional looking book that I write all of my plans, goals and accomplishments in.  It also serves as a way of keeping myself on track and keeping my goals in front of my face daily)  As I accomplish each goal, I cross it off and move to the next one.  I love this jump challenge and I will start it officially on tomorrow. This works best for my schedule and I can only move to the beat of my own drum if I plan to accomplish my goals in my time frames this go around.  My 9 days has started off with a bang!!

Have any of you started/finished the Jump Challenge the first time around, or is this going to be your first time doing it? What goals have you accomplished thus far for the new year?  If you plan to start, let me know, so that we can be each other’s accountability partners.

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2017. I feel greatness, peace, tranquility, love, happiness, success and immeasurable blessings on the horizon.  I’ll keep you updated on all of these facets in the days, weeks and months to come. I wish all of these things and more for you as well.

This year I’m working on consistency and releasing the spirit of procrastination.  Writing is my joy and I have missed it tremendously. So I’m back at it!!  Also, I’m currently working on creating  a personal URL for my blog, as I want to take this more seriously. Which leads me to another one of my goals this year, and that is to make progress on finishing my book. I will enlighten you on that as well, in the weeks to come.

Happy New Year and I wish you blessings, on blessings, on blessings!!

The End Makes Room for New Beginnings!

As 2015 comes to a close, all I can think about are my memories, heartaches, lessons learned and my happiest moments. I also began to think of how 2016 is fastly approaching, and how I am excited about all that is to come. I will no longer end the year with resolutions for the coming year. However, I will set goals that are reachable and that I will put into action for the new year.

I am glad to say that I’ve ended the year blogging, more than I have in the beginning of the year. I realize that writing has always been a part of me and when I’m not writing there is something that is missing in my life. I do remember that in my previous post, I stated that I would add a list of things that you all could use to create memories with your own children and families for the holiday and of course life got in the way. However, I didn’t really forget to post it, I just decided to delay it. I decided on that, because I wanted to revamp the list in order to create memorable activities that could be done throughout the year leading up to the holiday. I have not had the opportunity to do that, but I am working on it.

There was alot that occurred in my life this year, but I’m proud to say, I’m a trooper. As this year has been a roller coaster for me, but I stayed on, rode it out and smiled every bit of the way. There was a peace that surrounded me and I knew, no one but God could do that, Glorayy!! Then to know this year is wrapping up to be way better than the years past, is nothing but a blessing. I have many things lined up for 2016,and God willing I plan to see every one of them through.

Also, I have plans to kick it with my usher family New years eve. This is by far, the best group hands down and Lord knows I love them to pieces. What are your plans for New years eve and the new year?

361 Days Ago

That was the last time that I stopped to write on my blog. Needless to say so much has happened in those 361 days. I don’t even know where to start.

1. Let me begin by stating I left my job at Cook County.

2. I started classes to become a professional makeup artist (MUA)

3. I went full fledge into my business as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant.

4. I enrolled in classes at DePaul to complete my degree in Early Childhood Education.

5. I became a regular volunteer at my boys school.

6. I joined to Usher board at my church, I absolutely love welcoming souls into the house of the Lord. I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the usher board!!!

7. Last but certainly not least, I am expecting child #3. I dreamt it was a girl from the moment I found out (4 months ago), until yesterday I found out it is another boy. I left the ultrasound appointment somber and silent, my feelings were somewhat hurt. I’ve been secretly wanting a girl since forever and I thought I was finally going to have her, I had girl items and the cutest girl name ever picked out. After the initial shock slightly wore off, my BF and I discussed and brainstormed with names. We finally came up with a name that we love and I am slowly starting to enjoy what is to come. That’s the birth of baby boy #3.

I also look forward to getting back to blogging on a regular basis. I’ve missed sharing my thoughts, feelings and ideas. There is so much to relay, so the series of blogs to come will be very, very interesting to say least!!

Taking My Place on Purpose

Have you ever had the nagging feeling that there was something that you were supposed to be doing, and you couldn’t put your finger on it?

What I’m really asking to make the question more general is, have you ever realized that there was a purpose that you were to serve in life and you’ve failed to do it, or you have yet to realize exactly what your purpose is?  Well I’ve realized that my purpose is working with babies, toddlers, children, tweens, and teens.  I’ve found myself to be this baby/child/teen magnet, everywhere I go, I seem to attract kids.  It’s also like I can feel what a child is going through, or I can sense when they need to talk or just have someone in their presence that actually cares to listen to them, someone to give/show them attention, someone that will give them special memories to reflect back on their childhood, when they are adults.  I’ve avoided this for a long time, because I couldn’t see myself working with kids, it wasn’t where I saw myself in life.  But God did, and in just a turn of life events, I’ve found myself voluntarily working with kids of all ages; in which I’ve found nothing, but joy.  Which even makes my personal life with my own two, that much more pleasurable. 

As it stands, God has given me, an even greater vision.  That vision is to start a center for youth of all ages.  As of now it is still in the visionary works.  Next year, it will be in the physical works and prayerfully by 2015 it will actually be brought to fruition. 

I encourage everyone that has a dream and/or a purpose in life to bring it to the forefront.   Do what will make you happy and will serve the world.  Make your earthly deposits while life is still in your possession.  Live within your purpose and live a life that is full.  Dreams do not have an expiration date, but life does.  I’m glad to be in the number that secured that spot.  Yes, I stand boldy to proclaim that as I live out my vision, I’ve chosen this stance on purpose.

How Many Re-introductions do you need?

Well clearly from the title of this post, one would think that this was about the constant introduction of someone to another person over and over again.  Needless to say, it’s about me and my lack of blogging.  I refused to say that I’m back again, because of all the things that I am trying to do and I don’t know how regular these posts will be.  However, I can begin by saying that I would love to re-attempt at posting once a week at minumum. 

Let’s just see how this goes.  What I can say is, I have soooo much to catch folks up on.  Especially my book draft that I have been working on.  Yes, I said book draft, although this book has been in the works for about two years now.   My lack in writing came from the fact that my impending shoulder injury/post surgery issues has given me the flux for two years now and the problem has failed to be corrected.   So I had to purchase talk to text software, so that I can began again.  So far so good.  I will reveal some of the text of the book, and the title will be revealed once the book is in its publishing process. 

Please look out for more post from  me, from now on.  This way, I won’t need to keep saying that I’M BAACKKKKK.  Until next week, or maybe this weekend.  Make it a blessed one!