9 Days In

My goal to be consistent this year, is going as good as can be expected.  I have begun keeping a journal again.  It mostly contains my thoughts, plans for the day and/or what my day consisted of, as well as goals that I have begun completing and crossing off this year.  I’m glad to say that I am off to a great start, considering I’m 9 days in.  This is my 2 post this year.  I plan to keep this up!!

I can honestly say that when you are born to do something.  Thoughts, ideas, and creativity just seems to come out of the woodwork and you should act on it, or your purpose will be stagnated.  With that said, I have so much material to share with you for this blog, and I’ll reiterate, we’re only 9 days into the new year; which fills me with great joy.  I can’t wait to impart with you my plans that are on the horizon, and also get your feedback on other issues of importance to me.  I am also planning to do the Jump Challenge with Steve Harvey and other members of the Harvey Nation.  I logged in to do it the first time around, but I knew there were other goals I wanted to begin on and complete first.  I checked every email and logged the task for that day in my goal book (yes I have a professional looking book that I write all of my plans, goals and accomplishments in.  It also serves as a way of keeping myself on track and keeping my goals in front of my face daily)  As I accomplish each goal, I cross it off and move to the next one.  I love this jump challenge and I will start it officially on tomorrow. This works best for my schedule and I can only move to the beat of my own drum if I plan to accomplish my goals in my time frames this go around.  My 9 days has started off with a bang!!

Have any of you started/finished the Jump Challenge the first time around, or is this going to be your first time doing it? What goals have you accomplished thus far for the new year?  If you plan to start, let me know, so that we can be each other’s accountability partners.